ॐ ह्रीँ श्री शंखेश्वरपार्श्वनाथाय नम: દર્શન પોતે કરવા પણ બીજા મિત્રો ને કરાવવા આ ને મારું સદભાગ્ય સમજુ છું.........જય જીનેન્દ્ર.......

PRABHAS PATAN TEERTH. Chandraprabhu swami

PRABHAS PATAN TEERTH. Chandraprabhu swami
ચંદ્રપ્રભુ આરાધીએ, દોઢસો ધનુષ્યની કાય;
મહસેન પૃથ્વીપ પુત્ર જશ, રાણી લક્ષ્મણા માય.
જસ આયુ દશ લાખ પૂર્વ, શ્વેત વર્ણનો દેહ;
ચંદ્ર લંછન ચંદ્રપુરી નૃપ, શીતલ ગુણ નમો સ્નેહ.
પૂજિત ઇન્દ્ર નરેન્દ્રથી, રાગદ્વેષ જયકાર,
ગૌતમ નીતિ ગુણ સુરિ કહે, સેવે શિવ દાતાર.

Chandraprabhu Swami is 8th tirthankar of the Avsarpani kal. He was born to King Mahasen and Mata Lakshmana in Chandrapuri Nagri.
In previous birth as King Padma of Town Mangalavati in Dhatkikhand, a to be Bhagavan Chandraprabhu, earned Tirthankar-nam-and-gotra-karma. In following bhav he spended a life time of a dev in Anuttar Vijay dimension. In final bhav, he descended into the womb of Queen Lakshmana, wife of King Mahasen of Chandranana town.
Chaitra Krishna 5 was day when early morning, Queen Lakshmana saw fourteen (or sixteen according to Digamabara) auspicious dreams. A pleasant atmosphere was created as meaning of dream were revealed. People of town were rejoiced too. Queen and King Mahasen were filled with joy to learned that their family’s name will be immortal to be the parents of Tirthankar.
During pregnancy, one day Queen was looking at splendors of full-moon. Suddenly she had a strange desire to drink glowing streak of moon light. The King cleverly managed to satisfy her strange desire. On Paushya Krishna 13 (Hindu Calendar) Queen Lakshmana gave birth to a son. It was an atmosphere of festival all over.
Queen was resting on a bed, that had blue colored bed sheet over it. She was also wearing blue dress with blue dupatta embroided with mirror studs and silver beads. The child was covered with her blue dupatta. Glowing moon in sky gave a magical reflection of moon and star over studded blue cover and the baby. As such it was decided to name the baby as ‘Chandraprabhu’.
Chandraprabhu turned as a Prince of courage and maturity. His popularity began to spread all over. He was married first to Surdatta and then to many more. King Mahasen handed over kingdom responsibility to Chandraprabhu and went into jungles in search of Moksha.
One day Chandraprabhu was sitting in balcony of his palace and was in deep meditation. His thought strayed towards exit from cycle of birth and rebirth. He heard Akashwani that he should move forward and achieve goal of this birth. He should attain supreme knowledge for benefit of entire human community.
Upon opening of his eyes from meditation, he realized the real purpose of his life. He went to mother to seek her permission for asceticism. After that day King Chandraprabhu began charity on every single day of entire one year. Discarding all worldly possessions and removing hair by hand plucking he took diksha. He then left the Kingdom for jungle. After three months of acute spiritual practices, under Priyungu tree, he shed away all four Ghati Karmas and attained Omniscience.
He had 93 gandhars. His topic of first sermon was Ashuchi Bhavna. Asuchi means something that is not clean or something which is not pure. Bhagwan has referred our body as Ashuchi and tries to explain us that no matter what we apply on our body it will always remain dirty. We should concentrate on purifying and cleaning our soul by doing religious practices and following the path of Jainism
For many more years he continued to enlighten the people and propagate the true religion. When end approached he went to Sammet Shikharji and after a month long Sanlekhna with meditation, the soul got liberated and he attained Nirvana.

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